- 2016-05-25 13:55:29 来源:北京市文物局
序号 | 文保单位名称 | 单位类别 | 操作 |
1 | 十三陵 | 世界文化遗产 | 详细 |
2 | 颐和园(The Summer Palace) | 世界文化遗产 | 详细 |
3 | 天坛(The Temple of Heaven) | 世界文化遗产 | 详细 |
4 | 周 口 店(Remains of Peking Man at Zhoukoudian) | 世界文化遗产 | 详细 |
5 | 长城(Great Wall) | 世界文化遗产 | 详细 |
6 | 故宫(The Imperial Palace) | 世界文化遗产 | 详细 |
7 | 大运河 | 世界文化遗产 | 详细 |
名称: | 故宫(The Imperial Palace) |
详细说明: |
故宫是明清两代的皇宫,又称紫禁城。位于北京市中心,建于明永乐四年(1406年),完成于明永乐十八年(1420年),距今已有570多年的历史。先后有明代14 位皇帝和清10位皇帝在此相继登基执政。 紫禁城平面呈长方形,占地72万平方米,有殿宇楼阁9999间半。建筑面积约16万平方米。紫红色的宫墙长3400米。四面正中设城门四座,上建城门楼阁,南为午门,北为神午门、东为东华门、西为西华门,城垣外环绕宽52米、深 4.1米的护城河,四隅各建一座角楼,犹如壁垒森严的城堡。宫殿分前后两部分,前为外朝,是皇帝举行大典,召见群臣,行使权力的场所。后为内廷,是皇帝日常处理政务和帝后、嫔妃、皇子、公主居住、游玩、奉神之处。故宫保存有大量珍贵文物,达92万件以上,是中国也是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木结构宫殿建筑群。 The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, was the imperial palace of emperors in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is located at the centre of beijing. The construction began in the 4th year of the reign of Yongle Emperor(1406) in the Ming Dynasty, and completed 14 years later(1420). There were 14 emperors in the Ming Dynasty and 10 emperors in the Qing Dynasty had been enthroned and ruled here. The Forbidden City, rectangular in shape and 72O,0OO square metres in size, owns 9,999 and a half rooms, the floor space of which is about 16O,OOO square metres. The palaces are surrounded by purpligh-red walls 3,4OO metres long and a moat 52 metres wide 4.1 metres deep. At the middle of each four walls stands a gate tower; the Meridian Gate in the south, the Godly Prowess Gate in the north, the Donghua Gate in the east, the Xihua Gate in the west, and at each of the four comers stands a tower. The whole Forbidben City looks like a strongly fortified castle. It is composed of two parts, the outer palace where the emperors held grand ceremonies, and discued state affairs with high-ranking officials and the inner palace where emperors conducted routine govemment affairs and empresses, concubines, princes, princesses resided, amused themselves and worshipped gods. There are 92O, OOO pieces of historical relics in the Imperal Palace. It is the largest and most complete existing ancient wooden architectural complex both in China and in the world. |
名称: | 长城(Great Wall) |
详细说明: |
长城始建于春秋战国时期(770BC-221BC)。各诸侯国为互相防御和抵御北方游牧部落的侵扰,在地形险要之处相继兴筑长城。公元前221年,秦始皇统一中国后,将从前的长城连接起来。在以后的几个历史时期,经过自然和人为因素的毁坏,保存到今天的大都已是断断续续的遗迹。而在这些遗迹中保存最完整、最坚固、最雄伟的是明代长城。 长城绵亘中国的十一个省、市、自治区,西起嘉峪关,东到鸭绿江,全长约12600华里。它不仅是古代最雄伟的军事防御工程,也是世界上最非凡最伟大的古老建筑之一。 Construction of the Great Wall began during the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period (770BC-221BC), Several ducal states built wall fortifications along the precipitous mountain ridges to ward off the plunder of nomadic people and the invasion of each other. In 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang ordered to link the walls up after he united China. During the following dynasties, the Great Wall was destroyed continuously by natural disasters and human beings.Amongst the remained broken pieces of walls, those constructed in Ming Dynasty are the most well-preserved and splendid ones. The Great Wall stretches some 6,300km from Jiayuguan Pass in the west to the Yalujiang River in the east, traversing 11 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. It is the most magnificent ancient military defence work and one of the most remarkable ancient buildings in the world. |
名称: | 周 口 店(Remains of Peking Man at Zhoukoudian) |
详细说明: |
周口店是北京房山县的一个镇,距北京城约50公里。附近的龙骨山是“北京猿人”的故乡。1929年中国古生物学家裴文中在此发现原始人类牙齿、骨骼和一块完整的头盖骨。并找到了“北京人”生活、狩猎及使用火的遗迹,证实50万年以前北京地区已有人类活动。这一发现和研究,奠定了这一遗址在全世界古人类学研究中特殊的不可替代的地位。周口店遗址是世界上迄今为止人类化石材料最丰富、伴生动、植物化石门类最齐全、而又研究最深入的古人类遗址。 Zhoukoudian is a village of Fangshan County, about 50km from Beijing . The nearby Dragon Bone Hill is the home of Peking Man, where Pei Wenzhong, a Chinese paleonologist, excavated a complete fossil skull cap, some teeth and bones of primitive apeman in 1929. The remains of Peking Man's daily life, hunting and the use of fire were also discovere, whitch testified the existance of apeman in Beijing region five hudred thousand yearsago. The excavation marks its valuable position in the field of anthropology. Up to now, the remains of Peking Man in Zhoukoudian boast the most plentiful humanfossil, the most various species of associated animal and plant fossils in the world and the most extensive research work in then has been carried out. |
名称: | 天坛(The Temple of Heaven) |
详细说明: |
天坛建于永乐十八年(1420),是古代帝王“祀天”的处所,面积273公顷,分内坛和外坛两部分。内坛北为“祈谷坛”,南为“圜丘坛”,中以丹陛桥相连,形成一条南北轴线。主要建筑宏伟壮观,分布于轴线附近,周围环绕数千古柏,气氛庄严肃穆,是古代匠师的杰作、古代珍品,在中国建筑史上有重要地位。园内有“祈年殿”、“皇穹宇”、“圜丘”、“斋宫”、“长廊”等名胜古迹,有回声建筑“回音壁”,有“月季园”、“双环亭”等名园景区。 The Temple of Heaven The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420, the eighteenth year of the reign of Emperor Yongle of Ming Dynasty. It was where the emperor of Ming and Qing Dynasty worshipped the Heaven. The Temple of Heaven is divided into the inner and the outer parts. Danbiqiao (a raised grand open-air passage) links the Altar of Prayers for Bumper Harvests of Grain in the north and the Circular Mound in the south forming an axis-line. The main buildings are near the line. Thousands of ancient Cypress trees surround the buildings solemnly. All above are the treasure of the ancient buildings and the masterpiece of the ancient masters, being in a major position in the architectural history of China. The main buildings in the park include the Hall of Prayers for Good Havests, the Imperial Vault of Heaven, the Circular Mound, the Hall of Abstinence, the Echo Wall and the Long Corridor. the famous spots of the park are the Chinese Rose Garden and the Double-Ring Pavilion. |
名称: | 颐和园(The Summer Palace) |
详细说明: |
颐和园原名清漪园,由著名宫廷建筑师雷家玺设计,建于1750~1764年。占地约290公顷,主要由万寿山和昆明湖组成.1860年被英法联军烧毁,1888年慈禧太后挪用军费500余万两白银重修,改名为颐和园。园内殿堂楼阁、游廊水榭等建筑,精巧华丽,布局严整,是世界上造景丰富、建筑集中、保存最完整的皇家园林。 The Summer Palace The Summer Palace, originally named as Qingyiyuan (Garden of Clear Ripples), was designed by the famous court architect Lei Jiaxi, and was built between 1750 and l764. Covering about l90 hectares, the imperial garden is chiefly composed of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. It was burned and destroyed by the British-French allied army in 186O. The Empress Dowager Ci Xi had it renovated in l888 with the 5 million taels of silver that had been appropriated for building the Chinese navy, and changed its name to the present Yiheyuan, or the Garden of Harmonious Unity. Blended harmoniously with the landscape, the halls, towers, pavilions, corridors, walkways and bridges in the gardcn display exquisite workmanship. The Summer Palacc is the best preserved imperial garden in the world with rich scenes and concentrated structures. |
名称: | 十三陵 |
详细说明: |
位于北京西北约40多公里有一个著名的陵墓区。这里青山环抱,风景美丽,在方圆约40平方公里的小盆地里,错落有致地分布着明代13个皇帝 的陵墓,后人称为明十三陵。现在这里成了一个驰名世界的游览地。 由于这个陵墓区太大了,一般游人主要游览其中的两个陵墓,一个是 建筑规格最宏伟的长陵,一个是将地下宫殿发掘出来的定陵。每一座皇陵 都有一座地下宫殿,但是发掘出来的只有定陵这一个。 游人进入陵园,首先会对排列在马路两侧的18对石人和石兽感到兴趣。 这些巨大的石人、石兽,雕工精细,造型生动,是珍贵的古代艺术。它们 表示皇帝死后也要和生前一样主宰一切。这些巨大的石雕,有的体积达30 多立方米,是利用科天在路上泼水成冰,将雕像放在冰道上拖运到这里的。 规模宏伟的长陵 长陵是明朝第三个皇帝明成祖朱棣的陵墓,主要建筑棱恩殿,和故宫 中的太和殿一样大,总面积达1956平方米。它有一点比太和殿更突出,这 就是它的柱、梁、檩、椽和檐头全部使用楠木,殿内的32根巨柱,都是用 整根金丝楠木制成的。据说,当时光是从产地将这些巨大的楠木运到陵园, 就用了五六年时间。这样粗大的楠木,这样宏伟的楠木建筑物,在全国, 已是绝无仅的了,所以这个殿就是显得特别珍贵。 朱棣当了22年皇帝,在他称帝的第6年就开始营建陵墓,共用了5年。 富丽堂皇的定陵地下宫殿 定陵是明神宗的陵墓。明神宗在位48年,是明朝当皇帝时间最长的一 个。他的陵墓修了6年。据记载,共耗费白银800多万两,相当于当时两年 全国田赋的收入。定陵的规模不如长陵,但是,它的建筑却比较精致。定陵的大部分地面建筑已经不存在了,只是明楼还完好。因为明楼全部是石筑戌,没有一根木料,所以它不但坚固,而且能防火。明楼的建筑也反映了当时高超的设计和施工水平。定陵的建筑水平可以从已发掘出的地宫看 出来。 富丽堂皇的定陵地下宫殿距地面27米,总面积为1195平方米,5个高 大宽敞的殿堂全部是石结构,拱券式顶,没有一根梁柱。放置明神宗皇帝 和两位皇后的棺椁的后殿,高达9.5米,长30.1米,宽9.1米,是最大的一 个殿堂。在这里发掘出了3000多件随葬品,其中有金冠、金壶、金爵、凤冠等极其珍贵的文物。金冠是用金丝编制成的,冠顶盘有一对金龙。凤冠上镶有宝石100多块,珍珠5000多颗。游人们可以在定陵博物馆内看到这些珍宝。 昭陵在明十三陵中位居第九,是明朝第十二个皇帝和他的三个皇后的合葬墓,昭陵的建筑有其独特的地方。是明十三陵中地面建筑最完整,且最具代表性的陵寝建筑。 |